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of l\' humour satyric of the writing, the Belgicide Belgian-French phrase of the French.

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    Juillet Aout 2005

Ptit Sapeur Légion.


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HELP: You have needs for assistances or of research it is and free here for your advertisement! Subject: Julie foundation to make follow IMPERATIVELY thank you has you... > Hello here a noble cause, in more not d\' money to require, just a free adhesion has to make, simply to have more weight for an application of the laws.... > Merci making follow has all your correspondents and amis/es > > André > > Voici the bond:

THE BEAUTIFUL TRAVELS Of a magic wing, offer to me the imaginary dream. To traverse the ground in my fertile spirit. Give me wisdom to build castles To impregnate me among the walls of the beauty of the things. To be the apotheosis in the amazement of nature. To converse with the inhabitants of a marvellous world. To cross strange pavements with pleasure. To laugh at the life in a complete harmony. To know accuracy among the beautiful moments. To compromise the word, to inform themselves while looking at. To take the mechanical bird, to fly, still fly... Eternal clouds with the possibility of an imagination. To feel light in a luxuriant landscape. Hands which bless the day of humanity. To be close to a window and to contemplate ostentation. To balance themselves in the gardens and to daze themselves marvelously. To shout high the pleasure, the tasting of a meal. To store images for the remainder of its life. I am thrown into a panic who have eyes only for the beauty. To live a happiness with the extase of a delighted heart. To bathe in a doucereuse, affectionate sea. The pleasure of the moment to the constant charm. One day, perhaps... the educated dream In a beautiful farandole with the splendid glance. An opinion

 ; André (épervier)  ou Voir autres...

 The Grenade legion Your new forum on line, so much of remembering has to put has the honor, not to forget all these battles and these heroes. Fesons to know with people Let us take part CLIC

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ARTIST Hello has all, I am a painter amateur to ensortir me I makes paintings has oil on request by a photograph that you give me and I paints it for you, child landscape or still life etccc has small price (a) For more information and to see CLICK more of it  CLIC

TEST de PERSONALITY TEST ... Really astonishing and 100% TRUTH!... IMAGINE: T\' be in the medium of the forest and you find a hut bordered d\' a river. You enter the hut and you see, on the left 7 small beds de7 different colors, on the right a small table with 7 small chairs, they also of color different. On the table, there is a salad bowl with 7 kinds of fruits: * Apple * banana * Cutter * Orange Fishing * * Kiwi * Grape Which fruit you would choose? Your selection learns to us much from your personality. Do not reflect, answer spontaneously. Results of the test at the end of the page....

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Les autres revues et explication de la Revue.

Santé TECHNIQUE TECHNICAL health of Release of the Emotions Into the preceding newspaper I introduced you with a simple technique of release of the emotions which requires to type slightly uses the points limiting of meridian lines in order to regularize the energy flood and of this fact of obtaining astonishing results on health. C\' is an exceptional method for the people with phobias, fear, d\' lack estimates self, etc. Voisi of the small drawn texts d\' a monthly letter that j\' sends to the people who learned technique EFT. Two cases of depression and two cases of headache Dear Gary, I am still halfway of my formation how to become a therapeutist and I missed the conference of April but I prepare to attend that of the next year and I work daily with at least a person per day by using EFT. Success is remarkable. I want to thank you for myself and everyone which had benefit after having used this method. I taught this method with R...., a 57 years old friend Using his drugs his moments of exaltation were controlled but its bottoms, its depressions were returned at the point or of the treatment the electric shocks were considered by its doctors. Its depression had decreased it and it was close being interned. Three months ago it started to type for the depression twice per day -- when it awoke and when he was going to lie down. It stopped typing a few months ago because it did not feel depressive any more. Today I received a letter which was read as follows, Hello Niki, I smell myself marvelously well since. No depression. I believe that there is something below this technique. All goes well here. I do much pottery. I speak again you soon. Love and kisses and Thank you. R.... NiKi LaMont - Here a personal experiment. Whereas I was in Florida on holiday I meet an injury which entrusts to me that his/her daughter is in burn-out, in stop of work and that it cries all the time and this situation worries it at the most point, it is afraid of the gestures which his/her daughter can pose... I say to him to ask his daughter to call me, which it did the following day. I started with him to explain the rudiments of the EFT, which took approximately fifteen minutes. Then I asked him to say to me that it was its larger emotion of the day. It started to cry and explained me that it had lost a friend and that it could not live without it. I began sequence EFT by using the form supplements while charging on the loss of his friend, which took about three minutes. I then asked him that it was its level of stress considering that at the beginning of the treatment it was to ten on a scale of ten. It answered me while laughing zero. Which odd technique has me you it entrusted. It indeed often arrives that the result is immediate. It will think of it that we worked on only one aspect of its problem and that there probably exists of other aspects such as for example if it is accustomed to going to the restaurant with this friend and that she only goes there, to the entry of the restaurant she can have other emotions which emerge. It is then enough to take again some points while typing * on this aspect and the turn is played. Maurice Coulombe - I used EFT to relieve of the headaches of many times and I always found this method effective and direct. My most impressive example was this one. A certain morning of end of holidays and preparing the car and the luggage for the return to the house I finally embarked everyone in the car while shouting our "goodbye" and our "with next" when I realized that a monstrous headache was come from there. To lead more than four hours with this headache which seemed about to become a migraine really did not pack me. I then quickly started to type while being very careful because I led. In the space of some ins WARNING: SYSTRAN did not translate the document entirely. The document exceeds the maximum size allowed by the solution.(4096 bytes for plain text)....  Merci

Maurice Coulombe  Formateur EFT  -   565 Boul Wilfrid Hamel est .   Québec Qc

Tel : 418-563-9675.   Fax : 418-843-3653

The PENGUIN What could have made us think that one day a 13 year old kid would study the penguins? It was one Tuesday March 3 which all started. Curiously vêtu and carrying a bag with nylon back seals it left at his place. As soon as it was outside in the street of the gulls it felt to pass in the wind a particular odor, those which seem to wander since glosses in our unexplainable world. Like a song, it attracted it irresistibly. But towards where? It went rather randomly, lost in its cosmic thoughts, it stopped people in their race against the clock to try to arrive for the 1ere time of their life per hour on their place of work. But each time they looked at it, disconcerted, and set out again as quickly as possible sometimes looking behind them fear of being followed by this strange being, and if not being based in the pedestrian brothel of the city. Walking awkwardly, the kid staggered under the weight of his luggage. Beating arms not to fall and find its balance. It again felt in its body this odor which attracted it more extremely still. Strong but so irresistible that it could not preserve its reason more than one split second. Completely envoûté, it went more and more quickly, would sometimes even run to small steps. Hustling the people, who, around him, tried to deviate highly. Its sight was scrambled as it advanced and that the odor became more powerful and closed again its influence on him. Had it forgotten its glasses at his place? Of course that not, it never carried from there! Still challenging some passers by slower than the others and less sharp, it tried to be expressed but without success, it did not intend any sounds to leave its mouth put aside gargouillement colérique which seemed to prevent any other sound from occurring. At this point in time stopping abruptly it felt the strange odor very close to him. A large and thin man was held behind the slack which gave directly on the street and its eyes were opened wide when it saw awkwardly approaching a penguin vêtu of trousers and a Tee-shirt, affublé of strange a saccado that it carried with sorrow. Too much frightened (and especially it felt a wave hilarity to go up in him) it moved back and knocked a case of it behind him which struck it without another warning that the noise chechmate of its head against polystyrene. The fishmonger deadened, the penguin jumped with much evil on the slack and undertook to absorb quite fresh mackerels. While a small crowd started to be formed around the looking at store, flabbergasted, the unconscious animal of what was occurring absorbed with its ease. Later, after grinds sirens and bumps, the animal found itself to lock up in a zoo rotted with for only company an old deaf and malicious orang-outang. It finishes its sad saw to try to commit suicide but stone distorts it which constituted its enclosure offered only one means to him of being struck and to fall asleep for a few hours more. But what it did not forget it is the fishmonger who came to see it every weekend. and none them included/understood what the other said but the important thing for the penguin it is that it enabled him to escape. To its great surprise, the animal did not want to go up aboard vehicle and it moved towards the national.... The fishmonger was accused for attempt of flight and murder of an animal which named Pingouin. Account dedicated to all animals imprisoned in infamous parks, where is reduced 4 m^2 spaces to them each one and which are not never seems it cleaned... An opinion

 ; Arnaud   et en voir plus CLIC

 Feather dries Write! Yes... but what? The MUSE is on holiday About I do not know which beach And me overpowered by its absence Vis-a-vis with nothing d\' a white page This n\' is not really suffering Only one nothing absolute: overdose Without the least small thing In gestation! Where is l\' abundance? Dead end d\' an uninhabited silence Song d\' bird me nargue In this radiant morning d\' be Break into leaf of paper goguenarde A hand draws gribouillis Griffonne of the émèchés words Cotonneuses pulp thoughts Different L\' cherishes the cat: not a sin! Write! Yes... but what? An opinion

Un avis ; Chantal 19-06-2005

Forum LIBRE PAROLE  FREE forum WORD on any subject and easy ways, council or of strange, humour, with the corner of fire, discovery, environment celebrates, meets, memory, sport passing through the artists or from good addresses sites, come to share with us together ideas, remarks, debates, to explain your interest etc  A YOU SEE SEE CLIC

 A past Time a person wanting to share her joy of liking Antiquitées with you, therefore good visit of sound blog  CLIC

With Through the Strategies is a Forum has debates on the history soldiers of the South You can also débattrent on the mysteries of the history but to also change it by delivering your opinion on one or of the battles. Strategies organized for a battle reality or imaginary it is here that that this master key. Enigmas posed discover a place a date a battle or pose to the enigmas you even traps questions all is allowed for destabilized your adversaries in the courtesy and user-friendliness.

 Stratégiquement your ! your forum CLIC

 TRUE PERSONALITY TEST Really astonishing and 100% RESULTS Apple means that you are the kind of anybody who likes to eat apples. Banana means that you are the kind of anybody who likes to eat bananas. Cutter means that you are the kind of anybody who likes to eat cutters. Fishing means that you are the kind of anybody who likes to eat peaches. Orange means that you are the kind of anybody who likes to eat oranges. Kiwi means that you are the kind of anybody who likes to eat kiwis. Grape means that you are the kind of anybody who likes to eat grapes. Me also j\' want some with the idiot who m\' sent this connery thus I was avenged on the others Go without resentment a Gag the style has to laugh that one receive in our malls hihihiii   hihihiii

Congratulations has your articles you crossed the world and to show the example, as would say our friend Brel "To the following" 



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